5 Tips to caring for your lawn

Nothing is as beautiful as having a green carpet of grass that is free from pesticide and diseases that tend to slow down growth. If you have one yourself, you want your kids to enjoy playing on it, sitting and sleeping on it, hold parties on it, and most of all, be an example to your neighbourhood.

People, however, do not know that a good lawn needs more care than just watering it repeatedly. There are extra lessons one needs to learn. Today, I will provide some tips to use if you want a green and healthy lawn.

  1. Know the soil pH and the soil type when preparing the land

Experts say that many people skip this process because they do not see the need in it. However, the soil pH determines the type of crop that should grow on the soil. Remember that some plants cannot survive in acidic soils while some do not do well in alkaline conditions.

Take time to understand the type of soil within your lawn. You will know the best grass to grow in that area, how often you will water it, and how much aeration you will have to do. For instance, the sandy soil tends to lose water quickly while clay soil retains water for extended periods. Therefore, you will have to water the sandy soil more and less for the clay.

  1. Understand when you need to water it

Experts recommend that the best time to water your plants during summer is early in the morning and during the night. During these periods, heat from the sun is not present. Heat rays cause a lot of evaporation, which in turn reduces the rate at which the plants consume the water. If your grass turns brown during the dry season, leave it like so. It will revive once the season is over.

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Do not leave the sprinklers on through the night. Some states regulate that because of water conservation practices. Additionally, it is to your plant’s advantage because too much water can reduce airflow into the plant, and provides a breeding ground for pests and diseases.

  1. Keep your grass clean

Constant growth takes a lot of work and precaution. One caution to consider is preventing accumulation of leaves on the grass. You may think that their decomposition brings more nutrients to the plants, but that is not the case. The thing is, they will later form a carpet, which reduces soil aeration and breathing in plants underneath.

However, consider leaving the grass on the ground after mowing it. The dried grass is harmless; in fact, it provides more nutrients to the growing plants, and is vital in maintaining moisture levels within the area it covers; in other words, we are talking about mulching

  1. Have a fertilisation plan

It is crucial to have a clear strategy of fertilising the plants. Experts say that the fall is the best time to do so. Roots continue to grow as the cold season continues while the leaves, on the other hand, develop at a slow rate, since light from the sun is limited.

A spreader is the best tool for an equal spreading of the fertiliser. Use one that has a lot of Nitrogen; nevertheless, do not ignore any that contains various kinds of nutrients as well.  Additionally, organic compost is also a great alternative. For instance, manure and decomposed plant products.

  1. Do not stop mowing even when seasons change
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One thing that most people do not know is that you should never use a mower with blunt blades. Secondly, never cut through more than 1/3 of the grass height. Always sharpen the edge before you get down to work. Also, do it regularly.

Cut the grass height in intervals. If the grass is too long, you may tarnish the look of your garden by cutting through the whole length. It is also best that you do the mowing when the grass is dry. Wet grass clumps up, unlike when the grass is waterless where it distributes itself on the ground evenly. The other reason is that grass becomes slippery when wet; hence, difficult to trim the grass.

For more lawn care tips and services, be sure to contact Ziehler any time.

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