Bonsai Fertilizing Tips

Bonsai fertilizer is essential for a bonsai’s survival. Bonsai trees, like all other living things, need food to live. Unlike the roots of ordinary trees that grow for further distances seeking nutrition, the roots of bonsai trees are controlled to grow inside the tray and so they will be able to obtain only whatever nutrition is present in the soil inside the tray. Therefore, the soil within the tray must be often replenished with the right amount of nutrients.

The procedure of adding nutrients to the soil in which plants grow is termed ‘fertilizing’ and it’s a major part of bonsai tree care.

fertilizer for bonsai

The nutrients available in the fertilizer will aid the bonsai tree to produce its own food by a procedure termed ‘photosynthesis’. The amount and type of fertilizer to be used for bonsai tree care is mainly dependent on conditions such as:

– Variety of bonsai tree

– Age of the bonsai tree

– Time of the year in which the bonsai is fertilized

bonsai fertilizer

The fundamental nutrients in fertilizers are Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium, mixed in various shares for various fertilizers. You must apply fertilizer throughout the development season of the tree; starting early spring until mid fall. Indoor bonsai trees nevertheless can be fertilized around the year. It is advisable to apply higher quantity of fertilizer recurrently (like once in two weeks) for young trees, and keep reducing the amount and rate of recurrence as the tree matures.

In order to provide correct bonsai tree care, on no account over-fertilize. Surplus fertilizer results in burning of roots and leaves. Burned roots are not competent enough for absorbing water from the soil and relaying it on to the various sections of the bonsai tree. On account of over-fertilizing, continue to water the plant until the water pours outside the drain hole and allow it to deplete. Then re-water it. This procedure is known as leaching and will help to discard surplus fertilizers.

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bonsai tree fertilizer

Bonsai tree fertilizer bags

Things to bear in mind:

1. At all times water the bonsai tree prior to adding the fertilizer.

2. Endeavor to utilize a water-soluble fertilizer.

3. On no account fertilize an ill plant until it has grown healthy.

4. Although if it’s a development season, do not add fertilizer to an inactive outdoor bonsai until it demonstrates signs of development. If it is indoors, you can add fertilizer less frequently, like once a month.

By adding the right amount of fertilizer at the right instance, you’ll be able to grow and maintain a healthy bonsai tree for your Japanese garden.

Bonsai fertilizer for strong trees

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