Acalypha Plant – There are two distinct groups of Acalypha. The more popular type bears long tassels of tiny flowers amongst its plain foliage and the other type has colorful foliage with insignificant blooms. All Acalyphas are woody shrubs which are quick growing but are unfortunately difficult to overwinter in the average room. The problem is
Winter Trees: Chamaecyparis, Cupressocyparis And Cupressus
Winter Trees: Chamaecyparis, Cupressocyparis And Cupressus – Chamaecyparis or false cypress is a useful genus, from East Asia and North America, with a huge number of cultivars. They range from giant forest trees to smaller forms that can be used as specimen trees, for hedging and as dwarf plants for the rock or scree garden.
Bonsai Fertilizing Tips
Bonsai fertilizer is essential for a bonsai’s survival. Bonsai trees, like all other living things, need food to live. Unlike the roots of ordinary trees that grow for further distances seeking nutrition, the roots of bonsai trees are controlled to grow inside the tray and so they will be able to obtain only whatever nutrition
Flowering Trees For Garden Shade And Beauty
Flowering Trees For Garden Shade And Beauty – The most important components in a landscape are probably trees. Their prominent shape and size gives the necessary depth to any garden or lawn. Such a large and tall plant can be impossible to ignore in any scenery and they can add a sense of permanence with
The Best Shrubs For Early Spring Garden
The Best Shrubs For Early Spring Garden – Early spring is not the time you expect to see anything except the budding of plants and trees. If you want to have flowers this early in the year there are five shrubs that will give you the desired splash of color and aromatic breezes in early
Buxus (Box) is a popular shrub outdoors, but has only recently been accepted as a house plant. It is tolerant of cool conditions and draughts, producing a dense screen od shiny small leaves. There is an essential requirement – good light, especially in winter. Stand the pot outdoors in summer. These shrubs can be clipped
Planting Shrubs To Feed The Birds
Provide a natural food source by planting shrubs to feed the birds – shrubs and trees that will provide berries and fruit to your birds all year long. What is wonderful about fruit bearing trees and shrubs is the glorious flowers they produce in advance of the flowers turning to seeds/berries that the birds just
Citrus Trees
There is an obvious fascination in having an orange or lemon tree at home, but if you want it to bear fruit, then you will have to buy a citrus trees selected for their ability to grow indoors. The problem is that plants raised at home from pips will not fruit until they are too
Shade Trees
Shade trees are definitely among the essential plants that many homeowners prefer to have around their home for varied reasons. Some may want to plant trees of this kind to enhance the appearance of their outdoor area. Others also prefer to have tall trees around their house to complement its appearance and simply to connect
Breynia Plant
You will find Breynia plant in a number of garden centers and department stores but in very few textbooks. It is basically a greenhouse plant which was introduced as a house plant in the 1980s. This native of the southern Pacific islands may also be grown as a tender perennial. Under glass it will grow
Conifers In The Winter Garden
Conifers in the winter garden are an important point in garden designing, because they create a strong shape and structure. It is easy to pack a garden with summer-flowering plants, but a one-season wonder is no good whatsoever. Carefully selected and sited conifers in the winter garden are essential ingredients of the well-planned garden. The
The Lollipop Plant
The Lollipop Plant or Golden Shrimp Plant (Pachystachys) is a perennial shrub often sold as a potted plant in colder climates. It’s origin from South America. This plant bears cone-shaped flower-heads above the oval leaves. The main appeal is the long flowering season – from late spring until fall if the plant is liberally watered