Jacaranda is a kind of flowering plants and native to subtropical regions of South and Central America. In many parts of the world, the blooming of this tree is welcomed as a sign of spring. Jacaranda’s size varies from 2 to 30 m tall. The leaves are bipinnate in most species, pinnate or simple in
Mahonia is a small fully hardy perennial evergreen shrub native to China with yellow flowers in late winter and early spring. This plant has everything going for it: an elegant, architectural look, evergreen toughness, some drought tolerance, adaptability to substantial sun or shade, and – best of all – large sprays of the brightest, sunniest
Garrya Elliptica
Garrya elliptica makes a remarkably indestructible and attractive evergreen shrub on free-draining soil. It is at its best from midwinter to early spring when it is covered by a mass of dangling grey-green catkins, 15-20 cm (6-8 in) long. If you want even longer catkins, choose ‘James Roof’. Garrya elliptica can also be grown as
Calliandra is a popular plant in the U.S. but rarely grown in Great Britain. The leaves are made up of a large number of segments and the flowers are made up entirely of stamens. It blooms in winter and the ‘powder-puffs’ last for 6-8 weeks. Calliandra inaequilatera has bright red flowers and dark green foliage.
Conifers For Every Size Garden
Once the summer flowers are over, conifers come into their own, both as a contrast to the colors of deciduous trees and shrubs, and later as welcome green features through the winter. There is a conifer for every size garden; they vary from neat, mounded dwarf forms, slow-growing, slim-line vertical trees which eventually reach 3m
Fall Berries
A big display of fall berries provides a striking seasonal note and also adds a range of colors, from bright red to yellow and white. In time most, except the toxic ones, will get eaten by birds. Meantime, as the fall mists descend and then lift, they will reveal beautiful clumps of tiny colored balls
Horse Chestnut Tree
The horse chestnut tree, also known as Aesculus hippocastanum, is a member of the Buckeye family, which includes species that grow in the United States. It is a member of the Aesculus family. The horse chestnut is not a native tree in America, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, growing in southern sections
Camellia is a genus originating mainly from China but with a range covering a large area of South East Asia. The exact number of species is not clear but it is somewhere around 100. Camellia is an important commercial genus because of one species, Camellia sinensis, the plant from which tea is made. Most gardeners
Beautify Your Garden With Trees
Are you planning to set a garden? Well trees have a very important role in every garden. You should be very careful about the planting and removal of the trees. The selection of the trees is not a trivial task. You should have an in depth knowledge about the types of and requirement of each
Ficus Trees
Ficus is a genus in the Moraceae family. The genus contain around 800 species; from vines and shrubs to woody trees. A majority of the ficus species originates from the tropical regions, but some also grow wild in subtropical and temperate zones. There are three types of ficus – tree types, bushy type (slow-growing F.
Fig Trees
Fig trees are members of the genus group of trees known as Ficus. There are two types of fig trees: the caprifig and the edible fig. Caprifig trees are all male and their fruit is inedible. There are varieties of edible fig trees: The Smyrna variety of fig tree requires pollination to occur before it
Garden Plants: Shrubs
If you dream about having a successful garden, you should have shrubs. Shrubs give a landscape design its overall structure. With a seemingly endless list of shrubs available to the gardener, choosing the appropriate one for your garden takes a bit of planning. This article covers some common, easy to grow shrubs. Many deciduous shrubs,