Many gardeners focus exclusively on springtime as the time to plant things in your lawn and garden. Fall may seem unexciting and solely for lawn maintenance, but there is a lot you can do during this season in terms of planting seeds and growing anything from trees to flowers to vegetables. Here are five things
Your First Indoor Hydroponic Garden: Step by Step Guidelines
Welcome to the world of indoor hydroponic gardening. If you’re passionate about indoor plants but limited by space or want a more controlled growing environment, this method is perfect for you. By utilizing hydroponic systems, you can grow a variety of plants without soil, enjoying faster growth rates and better nutrient control. In this comprehensive
Kitchen Garden: Harvesting And Storing
Ripe vegetables and fruit wait for no one. Always harvest your crops when they are ready and if they cannot be eaten straight away, dry them or freeze them for use later. It is unlikely that the harvest from your container kitchen garden will be large enough to cause any major storage problems. However, that
Create Stunning Displays: Your Guide to Plants for Window Boxes for Year-Round Color
If you’ve ever visited Europe, flower-minded or not, you may have returned with enthusiasm for the window boxes they have. Aside from the beautiful winter hanging baskets, perhaps you saw the red geraniums in Germany and Austria, or the tuberous begonias that decorate Switzerland. If you’re planning to festoon your own home with this Old
Drawing a Garden Plan to Scale: Expert Tips and Step-by-Step Guide
When planning a garden, it can be quite difficult to picture the size and placement of plants and garden beds. Before you can plant your garden, you need to judge the best plant placement and how everything will look together. Only if you base your garden design on a plan drawn accurately to scale can
Elements of an Informal Garden: Designing Your Dream Garden
If you prefer a naturalized outdoor space, you may be thinking about creating an informal garden. But “informal” doesn’t mean messy or out of control. This type of garden is meant to mimic nature, with flowing, curved lines and naturalistic plantings. In nature, plants naturally grow together without much of a plan. Seeds germinate and
The Importance of Garden Decor for Your Outdoor Space
A garden is more than a static display of plants to enjoy from afar. Your garden is part of your home, and like your home, it helps to express your unique personality. Gardening is the most patient of the arts, with the land as your canvas and the plants your paints. When you think about
Roof Garden With Potted Trees
Blasted by the sun and battered by the wind, roof gardens, or roof terraces are prime examples of exposed sites. They are not the best places to grow garden plants, but if you live in a city apartment, a roof garden can make a useful, extra room, bringing greenery closer to the urban home and
10 Tips To Tastefully Decorate Your Outdoor Space Without Blowing The Budget
Decorating your home is about decorating both the inside and the outside of your house, even more so if you have a garden! Most people go on a decoration frenzy when it’s the holiday season and that’s wonderful. But what if you want to decorate your home and gardens at any time of the year?
Mediterranean Climbing Plants: Adding Vertical Interest to Your Garden
One thing you see lots of in Mediterranean gardens are climbing vines. Mediterranean climbers grow up walls or over pergolas on the back of the house. Some of these pergolas are simply magical, with the ’roof’ made only of rough branches, all tangled with knobby grapevines and bunches of fruit dripping down. Without these climbing
Types of Garden Shed – Find The Perfect Shed For You
Stuffed full of implements, used to nurture seedlings, or just a place for you to escape to and work on projects, garden sheds are one of those things we’d all love to have in our backyard. Whether it’s used for hobbies, as a workshop or for storage, most people who have sheds customize them depending
How to Protect Plants From the Elements and More
How to Protect Plants Plants are the basis of all life forms on this planet and so it just makes sense that we protect as many species of plants as possible. Plants are the primary element of the environment’s food cycles and all other nature-based cycles. As plants are the backbone of our ecosystem, it