Backyard Landscaping Ideas

Backyard Landscaping Ideas – The most important element of landscaping in section is the overall plan. Without one, you backyard will look like a patchwork of landscaping styles. Begin by sketching the existing permanent structures such as house, shed, deck, pool and trees. Now is a good time to take inventory of the existing plants

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Trees And Lawn Live In Harmony

Trees And Lawn Live In Harmony – The environment in which we live and work is greatly enhanced by the use of trees, shrubs, ground covers and turf. Plants combined with architectural elements such as buildings and walkways provide a functional and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere for our day to day activities. In a properly designed

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Planning Walkways

Planning Walkways – Walkways are a great way to enhance the look and safety of the outside of your home, and incorporating them into your landscape design plans is easy. But there are several things you should keep in mind when planning walkways for your garden.

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The Modified Garden

The Modified Garden – For many people, a completely new design of their garden would be inappropriate. The existing garden may have evolved without any guiding plan, but often it incorporates features and elements that it would be a pity to lose. These article shows how an existing garden can be modified, by pulling together

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