Choosing Plants For Fall Colorful Garden – Many say that fall is the best time to plant vegetables and herbs, but what if you want your garden to look great with colorful flowers instead of veggies and other edibles? Don’t worry, here are some of the best perennial flowers that you can plant in your garden to fill it with jewel-tone shades at the end of the season. Unlike spring and summer, when seeds thrive, fall gardens work best when they start with young plants rather than seeds, which may not be able to germinate before the first frost. Each season has its stars and fall flowering perennials have some of the best. Fall flowers are just as beautiful as spring and summer flowers and there are plenty of beautiful fall flowers to brag about.
Many fall flowers such as Chrysanthemums and goldenrods live best in the cooler weather as do asters, Japanese anemones, petunias, Michaelmas daisies, autumn crocuses and many other beautiful flowers. With so many colors to choose from, be sure to pick a good combination for a spectacular fall garden display.
One of the popular flowers for your fall garden is aster. The Aster flower resembles the daisy. They look like little starbursts, opening up into a beautiful bloom. Asters are the September birth month flower. They begin to grow at the end of summer, and continue to grow into fall. They are very easy to take care of, and they make for a gorgeous fall flowerbed.

Another is the crocus. They are a low growing flower that looks best when used as a border for other fall flowers. They are also ideal for the rock garden where their fall flowers are easily seen among the other low-growing plants. The really great thing about this flower is the colors they grow in. While many people think of beiges, browns, and earth tones as fall colors, this flower grows in wonderful purple and lilac colors. As a border for plants of neutral colors, the bright purples really make a fall garden pop.
Similar to Autumn crocus is Colchicum. Colchicum is one of falls brighter flowers. Also known as naked ladies, the Colchicum is a member of the Lily family. Colchicums are a small fall flower growing only about 6 inches tall. They bloom in colors like pink, purple, lilac and of course white, around the time when the Autumn crocuses are blooming. It is fitting since they resemble each other and make a perfect pair for your fall colorful garden!
Chrysanthemums, also known as mums are the typical fall staple flower. The Chrysanthemum is the November birth month flower. Some of the great colors mums come in include red, burgundy, rust, orange, yellow, purple, white and pink. Chrysanthemum blossoms comes in 12 different styles. Pick your favorite styles, along with your favorite colors to grow a great looking bed for the fall season.
Geranium flowers, also known as ‘Cranesbill’ is also a very popular flower for fall gardening. Geraniums are perennials and generally winter-hardy plants, grown for their attractive flowers and foliage. They come in a variety of colors and are very easy to grow. Geraniums can be obtained in flower in late spring and will add color to the garden until frost which makes it a perfect flower for your fall garden.
Salvia is the largest genus of plants in the mint family. Salvia derives from the Latin salvere meaning to feel well and healthy. Salvias are considered herbs, but they have beautiful flowers and produce a showy display with colors ranging from blue to red, with white and yellow.

Marigold grows throughout the fall. They bloom in wonderfully rich colors of yellow, orange, and deep red. Some even bloom in two colors. One of the most beautiful two-toned color combinations seen in marigolds is a deep burgundy on the outer petals, with a dark orange color in the center petals. Marigolds are sturdy flowers with beautiful blooms that look great in mass plantings or in combinations with other fall-bloomers.
Sternbergias are winter growing species and dormant in the summer. The flowers are a nice gold/yellow fall color. Besides being pretty to look at, it is a very tough flower. Where most flowers will wilt and die in certain temperatures, the plant is tough enough to continue growing in most temperature ranges. Sternbergia’s ornamental evergreen foliage has a deep green, strap-like leaves which hold their color right through the winter adding a startling element of green to a fall colorful garden.

Sedum spectabile bears pink flowers in through late fall. It has thick erect stems bearing shallowly scalloped, broadly elliptic, grey-green or bluish green leaves and beautiful star-shaped pink flowers. This award-winning plant looks great planted in bold drifts towards the front of a well-drained border and is a scene stealer in rock gardens.
Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera) is a perennial that blooms every fall in colors such as pink, red, or white. The flowers only last for a short time, but the plant itself sets so many buds that it can continue to bloom again and again.
The Tuberose is a perennial night-blooming plant related to the agaves. It grows in elongated spikes up to 18 in long that produce clusters of fragrant waxy white flowers that bloom from the bottom towards the top of the spike. It has long, bright green leaves clustered at the base of the plant and smaller, clasping leaves along the stem. While they are not the most beautiful of the fall flowers, they have a most wonderful fragrance. In fact, their scent is used in many different perfumes.

There are many more beautiful flowers that you can plant for your fall garden. Fall is actually a better time of year than even spring to plant or transplant perennial plants. The soil tends to be warmer which promotes root growth. With the cooler weather, you can spend more time in your fall colorful garden. Plus fall gardening takes advantage of cooler temperatures and fewer pesky bugs. So give it a little effort and you can plant a beautiful garden that you can be proud of in fall. Keep in mind that a properly planted and tended fall colorful garden can last long into even the coldest months.