Gardening Tips: How To Have A Perfect Garden?

In these spring months nothing is better than enjoying your garden and open air space – if you are lucky enough to have one – but to make the most of your pocket-handkerchief plot you need to roll up your sleeves and take care of your meadow, plants and flowers. Following some useful tips you will have a nice, flourishing and neat garden, where you can welcome your guests or simply relax in a very pleasant location.

Spring is the season when nature awakes and the colours of the garden, which had become grey in cold winter, get bright again. This is the season when you fell like going out and taking care of your own plants, although it is evident that your garden needs cares also in all the other seasons! To each time of the year correspond some operations to be made to get the most of your garden, and spring, in particular, is also the season when you can reap the benefits of the work of the previous months.


But spring is not only this: in May, for example, you can (and should) make special interventions to make your garden as nice as possible. While you should not move the plants you have already bedded out, you can bed out new plants: you can choose among different flower essences, but keep in mind that if you choose roses, you must hurry up because they usually flower in May. Before you bed out the new plants, work the soil and enrich it with sand and compost, and after having planted them, remember to water them. As far as fruit trees are concerned, if you decide to plant them now keep in mind that it is late for fruits, then you will have to wait until next year to see them!

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But it is not too late to improve the appearance of your meadow: for a garden to be really nice, the health of the turf is of primary importance, and if you see that your meadow is not very thick somewhere, you can spread some specific soil enriched with fertilizer on the meadow before the seeds, then water copiously every 2-3 days. Taking care of your garden, in late spring, also means mowing the lawn, to make the grass level be always perfect for pleasant walks. Moreover, when the grass is too high, your garden can look untidy thus less nice. The ideal interval between a trimming and the next one is about 10 days, but mowing the lawn is not enough to have a perfect turf: it is always advisable to keep also the weeds under control, uprooting them before they ripen.

garden in spring

At this time of the year you can also bring back to the garden the plants that you decided to keep in the house in winter, as temperatures now are high enough. However, before you bring them outdoor, it is advisable to treat them with a preventive antiparasitic treatment.

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