Harvesting And Storing Apples – There are so many things you should know about the apple. It is possible to make a lots of mistakes about harvesting and storage of this fruit. There is nothing so bad as the feeling when you bite an apple which is not picked on the right way or too early, so its taste and the vitamins are not fully developed.
So, here are few advices and hints for harvesting and storing the apples! In fact, apples should always be picked very carefully. Do not just pluck them from the branches. Apples are ripe and ready for picking only when they come off easily or when pedicle apples separated easily from the branches by twisting them.
Other indicators that the apple is ready for picking are broad and deep cup and brown seeds. However, the time for harvesting and consumption differs from variety to variety.
How important is it to make sure the apples are picked at the right time, it is equally important to be aware that picking often involves bold moves. The best apples are always hidden in the top of the canopy and are therefore difficult to reach. Always keep in mind your own safety and use, say, a fruit picker when picking ripe apples that are high in a tree. With the help of a fruit picker with telescopic handle, you can easily reach the apples that are at the very top of the tree, and not bring yourself into a position to be hurt.
Fruits are very tasty in the winter, but also very expensive. No need to spend a lot of money on delicious apples in the winter if you know how to properly store it. Apples can be stored a long period during the winter, in the right conditions.
It is important to keep them in a cool, dark and very humid. For this type of storage is convenient cellar with climate control. If there is not enough moisture, you can add water containers to the place where apples are stored in order to increase its humidity.
Not all apple varieties suitable for storage. Varieties of Topaz, Freiherr von Berlepsch, Roter Boskoop and Pilot can be stored successfully. Apples should be stored in trays of fruit, or in flat boxes. Boxes can be coated with sawdust or corrugated cardboard. If you use a deep box, we recommend to set a ribbed cardboard between rows of fruit trees in order to avoid bruising.
Store only healthy and undamaged fruit. Grubby, overripe fruit and too big apples can not be stored for a longer period of time and should be set aside during the harvest. Stemless apples should you eat before because they quickly rot. Inspect stored fruit once a week and remove any rotten apples. Rotten fruit can “infect” other fruits. This is due to the release of ethylene, a colorless gas, which accelerates ripening of other apples and sometimes causes them to rot. Because of this, the apple should not be stored together with other fruits and vegetables.
To prevent the apples to dry quickly, the boxes can cover the perforated film. Additionally, you can put apples in perforated polyethylene bags because they reduce the emission of ethylene. In any case, the stored fruit should be checked regularly to be able to quickly remove the bad apples.
If you stick to these rules, you will be able to eat a juicy apple from the own garden in the middle of winter.