Pink flowers are some of the most wanted plants; the reason for their great popularity is explained by their very positive and optimistic color. A pink flower can signify grace, gentility, joy and happiness. Here are just a few ideas about how to use pink flowers to color your home and garden.
Flowers are always an ideal way of bringing color and beauty even to the grayest corner of all; purple and pink flowers are often the right choice when it comes to creating a daring vivid look. Small pink flowers are ideal for children’s room, particularly if you have a little girl, for the kitchen as well as for the living room or family room.
During July and August there is no plant which adds so much to the stateliness of the flower garden as the Hollyhock. The beauty of the hollyhock pink flower is much enhanced when displayed against a background such as a grey wall, fence, tall green hedge or a border of evergreen shrubs – yet hollyhocks should not really be planted close to hedges or shrubs as they both usually have very hungry roots which will take the nutrients needed by the hollyhock plant. Ideal for small gardens ‘Giles Van Hees‘ is a compact Veronica that’s resistant to deer and attracts hummingbirds and butterflies with its bright pink flowers.
‘Party Dress’ Anemone pushes out big double pink blooms in autumn – a time when most gardens could really use an extra shot of color. Anemone are outstanding plants for the late summer and fall garden. The branching stems of poppy-like flowers are superb for cutting. Plants prefer a rich, moist site, spreading to form a patch. Showy Stonecrop, the taller plants in the genus Sedum, are often taken for granted in the garden, partly because they don’t bloom until the fall, but also because they require so little care from the gardener. Flowers tend to be in shades of pink and mauve, that start out pale and deepen as they mature. Flower heads are attractive from bud through their dried stage.
‘Party Dress’ Anemone (left), Showy Stonecrop (right)
‘Raspberry Wine’ Bee Balm features beautiful clusters of fragrant crimson flowers at the ends of the stems from mid to late summer, which are most effective when planted in groupings. The flowers are excellent for cutting. It’s fragrant pointy leaves remain forest green in color throughout the season. This perennial does best in full sun to partial shade. It is very adaptable to both dry and moist locations, and should do just fine under typical garden conditions.
Magnolia sargentii ‘Robusta’
The Dianthus is perennial herb with colorful flowers. Most flowers from the genus dianthus are some shade of pink, ranging from very pale to deeper shades of pink. The most common types of dianthus flowers include carnations, cottage pinks, and sweet williams. These and other species are extremely popular in flower gardens, planted either as singles scattered among other types of flowers, or together in larger groups.
The Dianthus
For pink blooming trees, Magnolias are without equal. Spring wouldn’t be spring without early blooming Magnolia sargentii ‘Robusta’ and Zen (M. zenii). Trees that flower pink add a feeling of playfulness to the home garden.
In case you plan to revive your garden with some pink flowers, you should definitely alternate several species in order to avoid creating a very blank look.
beuatiful pink roses
And of course, don’t forget roses. Of all the f lowers the rose is the one that is lovely in every stage of its development, the bud, the bloom and the fading flower. Pink and red roses for instance make an excellent combination, most particularly since they stay in bloom all summer long. Pink flowers in pots make great decorations for garden alleys, the patio or the gazebo, they are fresh in appearance and seem to pass their energy onto their viewer. Moreover, depending on the plant species you’ll have to take some extra care during the cold season, and even take the pots indoors.
‘Raspberry Wine’ Bee Balm (left), climbing roses (right)