Placing A Wooden Garden Fence

Placing a wooden fence around your home or business has many advantages. A fence can be a great way to keep out criminals and burglars. It can also keep children or pets safe as well as maintain privacy from peering eyes.

Fence companies offer many types of garden fences you can choose from. While many people get vinyl or PVC fences because they have a low cost and are easily maintained. However, they do not look nearly as good as a wooden fence.

If you are going to install a wooden fence around your home or business, call this local fence company to make sure that you follow all of the right steps and do it correctly. Here are some tips to help you put up your fence:


1. Choosing. There are several varieties of wooden garden fences. Make sure that you pick the right type of fence to fit with your yard. Some of the different types include picket fences, basket weave fences, and simple board fences.

2. Tools. Be sure to have all the right tools on hand before beginning the installation. You will probably need a wide variety of things, but the essentials that you will definitely need are hammer, saw, level, and concrete.

3. Spacing. Make sure that you evenly space out the fence so that rails all line up evenly. Posts are generally set from six to eight inches apart.

4. Digging. It is necessary to dig the holes deep enough so that the posts are set firmly. A third of each post should be underground.

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5. Packing. To make sure that your wooden garden fence posts are steady, place gravel in the hole before packing the dirt or concrete. You can brace it with nails or stakes until the post settles in firmly.

6. Rails. Now it is time to add the rails. Add rails to the top and bottom of the posts. There are three different types of joints that you can use to attach the rails. A lap joint is the easiest, but attaches to the post itself instead of the surface. A butt joint is better to use but a bit more difficult to attach. Slotted joints are used on decorative fences and should be treated with preservatives to prevent rotting.

7. Alignment. Measure very carefully to make sure that the rails are evenly attached on each post. It will be very noticeable if posts are uneven or crooked.

1 thought on “Placing A Wooden Garden Fence”


    This is really wonderful article, I agree with you about selecting proper tools especially the saw. thanks for your helpful article,

    keep helping people!


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