Planting And Maintaining During November

Often, due to lack of time, or fine day in October, we don’t clean the garden before November. Keep your garden looking beautiful well into the fall season by trimming hedges, weeding and “dead heading” flowers no longer in bloom. From the garden bring out the stakes and rope that served as the underpinnings of certain types of plants. Clean the stakes and keep them to use next year. Plants destroyed by the frosts, we also should removed from the ground, chop and compost or plow. If these plants remain in the area, pose a threat as a potential source of disease and pests. Do not bother to clean up leaves until all of them have fallen. To rake leaves most effectively, start at the outer corner of your garden and either rake straight lines or rake from the outer corner inwards. If you have space, then keep the leaves to make compost. They are great for compost.

Time for planting

This is the period of time to plant all the seedlings of deciduous trees, shrubs and hedges. Also, it is time to plant conifers. The soil is wet, favoring new planted seedlings, and temperature, and as a rule, do not drop below zero. Most deciduous plants have already rejected the leaves and ready for the winter.

garden november

Dimensions of the holes for planting trees or shrubs should be twice bigger than the turf plants. Many trees and shrubs can be planted bare root. Planting bare root is cheaper, easier and faster. It generates less waste (there are no pots to get rid of) and the plants are far easier to transport. Most commercial forests are planted with bare root plants, known in the trade as ‘whips’. The fastest way to plant a bare root tree or shrub is to cut a T-shaped incision in the ground and slot the plant in, firming it in carefully and checking that the roots start to flare out exactly at soil level.

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Bare root plants planting

If we have the plant with bare roots, holes should be as much a minimum size of shrub seedlings are 30x30x30cm and 60x60x60cm for trees. Excavated soil should be choped, if necessary enriched with humus, peat or other organic fertilizers. At the bottom of the hole you need to pour a shovel of soil, then set the plants and cover with soil. Note the depth of planting! Plants need to be plant on the same depth at which it was already planted. Never plot the soil on bark of the tree, because in this case it will cause decay of the bark and the death of the plant. The exceptions are some roses and herbaceous plants. After planting, you need to well compacted soil and pour generously. Trees need to be secured with stakes and rubber bands to remain in an upright position, while his roots are not firmly established.

Ulmus-pumila-celer garden-fall-decor

Hedges, particularly when they consist of broad-leaved evergreen plants such as Prunus laurocerasus, Aucuba japonica or FJaeagmis x ebbingei, are effective at reducing noise, because they form a dense barrier throughout the year. The higher the hedge, the higher it will deflect the noise. Hedges require some different system of planting. Two rows hedges are more massive and reaches a higher density for a short time. On the other hand, single-hedge also achieves the desired consistency, with proper care and for a short time. Before you begin planting, with bare root seedlings should be soaked in a bucket with water.


If it is a single row planting, dig a channel 20cm width and 35cm depth. Excavated soil should be chopped, if necessary enriched with humus, peat or other organic fertilizers. Then cover the bottom of the channel with fragmented soil. The stakes attach the rope and thus have a straight line along which you will deploy seedlings hedges. Plants Turkmenistan elm (Ulmus pumila celer) should be planted at the distance of 20cm, but in large sealed channel. In the soil (mud) seedlings should be distributed to cover the ground. It is desirable to sprinkle some fertilizer on the surface.

SEE ALSO:   Readying Your Garden For Winter

hedge bare-root november plants

Tips for maintaining of lawns, hedges and flowers during November:

– Regularly clean the lawn of leaves,
– In this month hedges are often the hideout for birds and insects, so do not disturb them because they will be of use in pest control,
– Shrubs and trees does not require any special treatment – enjoy the aspect of autumn trees and their shape,
– Perennial plants are well kept and now. It was not until the first frost on them will cause a visible change. Some have to change for the better, because frost intensifies the color of their leaves.

It is also a good time to fertilize your lawn and garden beds to make sure your plants, grass and hedges are ready for the winter. Not only your yard will look great but you are ensuring better growth in the spring as well.

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