Planting Azaleas

Azaleas are a large, diverse group of flowering shrubs with single and double blooms in many shades of white, purple, red, pink or orange.There are two basic flower types. The single flower is very hardy and, the double flowered form is sometimes referred to as hose and hose.
Azalea flowers have a very soothing look and easily bring a sense of peace and happiness to the onlookers. Azaleas bloom in spring, their flowers often lasting several weeks.

To enjoy the beauty of azaleas at your own home, begin by choosing a variety that is well adapted to your garden environment and climate. Azaleas are native to several continents including Asia, Europe and North America. They are planted abundantly as ornamentals in the southeastern US.

“Check with your local nursery, home center or cooperative extension service to see what they recommend based on your region of the country,” says Bayer Garden Expert Lance Walheim, who wrote the best-selling book “Roses for Dummies” and is a regular contributor to Sunset magazine. He thinks choosing the right types and varieties for your area is the first step to success. “Then choose a consistent color theme as opposed to the Crayola Crayon approach of mixing them up.”

Here are a few important tips for planting azaleas:

Choose a planting site with light shade (some varieties can take some sun) and well-drained, acidic soil rich in organic matter;

Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball. The top of the root ball should be slightly above the top of the surrounding soil;

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Lift the container off the plant and cut or loosen any matted roots off the root ball;

After planting, apply a thick layer of organic mulch and keep soil slightly moist, never letting the plants dry out completely.

Azaleas can last for decades in your yard with proper watering and preventive measures to ward off destructive insects and diseases. Bayer Advanced Dual Protection Azalea, Camellia & Rhododendron Insect & Disease Control protects against aphids, Japanese beetles, lace bugs and leaf beetles while controlling diseases such as leaf spot, powdery mildew and rust. One application protects for up to six weeks and is applied as a drench-so no spraying. Just measure, mix and pour-it’s that easy to protect your investment and keep your azaleas beautiful year-round.

pink azalea



azaleas in garden

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