Space-Saving Gardening Methods For A Small Vegetable Gardens

Space-Saving Gardening Methods For A Small Vegetable Gardens – The gardeners want good production from limited space which may even include containers on patios, decks or balconies. There are several space-saving gardening methods that may be used. Old English gardeners devised the idea of interplanting vegetables to utilize space more fully. Interplanting means that a

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Year-Round Container Gardens: Designing Tips

Year-Round Container Gardens: Designing Tips -With the ever-increasing array of containers from all over the world to choose from and a dazzling range of plants to fill them, it is hardly surprising that maintaining a mobile container gardens have become perhaps the most popular gardening activity. Millions of pots, window boxes and hanging baskets are

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Romantic Gardens – Then & Now

The romantic garden is basically a dream – a garden of bowers and gazebos, of scent and pastel colors, where plants grow with soft, arching habits and sweet-smelling flowers that never outgrow their allotted spaces. Birds flit from branch to branch, ferny foliage is reflected in still pools and nearby are the sound of waterfalls.

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