Grapes In The Garden – Growing grapes is becoming a common plant to grow with the home gardener for several reasons. Their juice and fresh fruit can be used for jelly, jam, and even wine, along with being picked and eaten fresh from the vine. In addition, grape vines can add ornamental value to your home
How To Grow Delicious Watermelons?
How To Grow Delicious Watermelons? – Watermelons are delicious, heat-loving annual fruits that adore warm climates. This makes it very easy to grow watermelons in tropical countries. However, you can also plant watermelons in cooler locations. Just choose the short-season types and do all you can to protect them from chilly temperatures. Materials you’ll need to
Gardening In February
Garden In February – If you look carefully you will start to see the first signs of spring in the garden this month. Catkins appear on trees, the first bulbs start to poke their heads trough the soil and a few brave flowers begin to appear. With January over, gardeners begin to look forward to spring.
Special Considerations When Designing Your Garden
Special Considerations When Designing Your Garden – Although every family has its own special needs to consider when designing features for the garden, there are some aspects that are commonly encountered, which can pose problems. These aspects need to be given a bit of thought. Limited space. Space may not be a problem if you have
Planting Against Walls And Fences
Planting Against Walls And Fences – When space on the ground is at a premium, you can grow plants on or up, walls and fences. If the planting is above ground, the container must be firmly fixed in position, so that there is no possibility of it falling. Secure boxes on to window sills with a metal
Colors In Your Garden
Colors In Your Garden – The handling of flower and foliage color in the garden usually causes gardeners the most difficulty, but it also entails the most fun. We all agree that some colors ‘go’ better together than others – though we may disagree which – and that in ‘going together’ these colors enhance each
Useful Ground Cover Plants
Useful Ground Cover Plants – The best ground cover plants are evergreen. St. John’s wort (Hypericum) can be grown in a shady part of the garden where its bright yellow flowers will grow out of the darkness. Rose of Sharon (Hypericum calycinum) flowers from early summer to early fall. It makes a good specimen plant
Grow Your Organic Garden Using Aquaponics
Grow Your Organic Garden Using Aquaponics – Organic produce has become a huge seller in our local supermarkets. These products however come at a price. What if you could grow organic products easily in your own garden? Aquaponics is the combination of hydroponics and aquaculture. It’s actually quite simple – the balance with nature. How
Spring Adonis
Spring Adonis – The legend has it that this attractive yellow spring-flowering perennial sprang from the blood of Adonis, lover of Venus, when he was killed by a boar. It is used as a heart tonic and the flowers are a brilliant sight when they open in the spring, turning to catch the sun’s rays.
Indoor Bonsai Trees
Indoor bonsai is a relatively new idea which has not come from Japan. The center of interest appears to be Germany but the concept has now spread to other countries. You can buy indoor bonsai trees from garden centers and nurseries throughout Britain. The basic difference from the traditional outdoor bonsai is that non-hardy trees
Garden In The Barrels
Garden In The Barrels – During the creation of your garden you may find that you require an especially big container – perhaps to grow shrubs, small trees, or simply a large planting. Garden centers now have a wide range on sale, including ceramic and terracotta tubs, fiberglass planters, and old beer barrels. There is
Feeding The Lawn
Feeding The Lawn – During late spring and summer, the rapid growth of grass means that frequent mowing is essential. The dangers of allowing the grass to grow too tall have already been pointed out, so the turf must be kept at the recommended height no matter how actively it is growing. On this basis