Climbing Plants – Climbers produce some of the most magnificent floral displays of any plants. They can cover bare walls, fences, trellises and pergolas with sheets of bloom in every color in natures range. Yet even the largest and most rampant takes up an area of ground only the size of its trunk. Because climbers
Improving The Conditions Of Your Garden
Improving The Conditions Of Your Garden – Find out how you can stop relying on others for your fruits and vegetables, by building and maintaining your own home organic garden, full of delicious produce. First of all, know what grows in your region. When you see the wide variety of seed packets offered online, it
Abutilon (Flowering Maple)
Abutilon (Flowering Maple) – The typical Abutilon or flowering maple is a vigorous shrub with large Sycamore-like leaves and pendant blooms which are borne on slender stalks between early summer and fall. It is a plant which needs room to spread – a large window which receives some filtered sunlight during the day is ideal.
Indoor Winter Gardening
Indoor Winter Gardening – People with indoor gardens residing in areas that have chilly wintry months must remember that even though the plants indoors are shielded from the fury of the elements raging outside, a lot of safety measures should be taken and modifications carried out for indoor winter gardening. In the first place, if
Herbs For Indoor Garden
Herbs For indoor Garden – When we think of starting a garden, the first location to plant that come to mind is the great out doors, usually in a back yard a small plot of land close to where we live. Surprisingly, gardens can also be cultivated indoors in pots or containers of various sizes.
Urban Gardening Design Hints and Tips
Living in an urban environment or having just a patio or deck doesn’t mean you can’t be a gardener. Urban gardening can be achieved with container gardens that can give you the same sense of accomplishment. Your vine ripe tomatoes will taste just as good as those from a backyard plot. Urban gardening requires planning
Growing Cucumbers In A Greenhouse
Growing Cucumbers In A Greenhouse – People use greenhouses to grow a huge variety of plants and shrubs. European cucumbers grow very well in greenhouses and these variants are much longer than the other types of cucumbers. As a matter of fact they are longer and heavier. The skin tone of the cucumbers is forest
Potting Table Ideas
Potting Table Ideas – If you have been shopping for a potting table, you have recognized that they aren’t all alike. Some follow a basic design, while others incorporate extra features for additional storage and better organization. If your gardening supplies have become a mess, maybe these features can help you. Nearly every potting table
Give Your Plants The Humidity They Need
Give Your Plants The Humidity They Need – Cold air requires only a small amount of water vapor before it becomes saturated, and so on an average winter day the air is moist. When you turn on a radiator to warm up this cold air, its capacity to hold water vapor is greatly increased. As
Vegetable Garden During November
Vegetable Garden During November – This month beds that were filled with late season produce are now laid bare, stems of runner beans have died off twisted around their supports and the greenhouse is all but emptied. However, there will be a few winter crops growing strong. Winter brassicas such as kale and brussels sprouts
Watering Plants Guide
Watering Plants Guide – A garden or flower bed can begin with beautiful plants, but their continuing growth and beauty will depend on whether they are receiving the proper amount of water. This is especially important since over 90% of a plant consists of water. Your plants’ water requirements are dependant on the type of
Jasmine Tobacco
Jasmine Tobacco (Nicotiana alata) is a lovely heirloom flower gaining recognition among today’s gardeners. This ornamental tobacco plant is notable for the unusual color of its evening-scented flowers, which make it popular with flower arrangers. It makes an erect bushy plant, 60-75cm/24-30in tall, covered in sticky hairs and with lax group of long-tubed flowers which