Curry plant (Helichrysum italicum) is a delightful and fragrant herb plant. Curry plant is native to Turkey and thrives on sunny slopes where it attracts beneficial insects to its unusual flowers. Curry plant looks very similar to a lavender in its leaf stage. Seeds sow in February/March in a greenhouse. The seed usually germinates in
Growing Ginger
Growing ginger – The ginger (Zingiber officinale) plant is an herbaceous perennial native to the tropical regions of Asia and India. The root has been used both in Asian cooking and in Chinese medicine for many centuries. Ginger is also grown in Jamaica and West Africa. In the United States, ginger is cultivated in Hawaii.
Vanilla Bean: Planting & Care
The vanilla bean plant, also known by its botanical name as V. planifolia, is actually a member of the orchid family. Commercial vanilla beans are cultivated in Central and South American countries; particularly in Mexico. You can plant your own vanilla bean plant at home. You may need to order the plant root or a