Seasonal Spring Flowers For The Garden – Which flowers are in season during the spring depends greatly on your climate zone and weather conditions. In warmer areas the earliest flowers will show their color before winter wheezes its last breath. The most prominent spring flowers are those that come from bulbs. They arrive in wonderfully
It Is Time For Early Spring Gardening!
It Is Time For Early Spring Gardening – For most parts of the country it seems like winter is coming to a close. With warmer weather finally in sight, the urge to do something outside might be starting to set in, and March is the perfect time to get out of the house and into the
Gardening To Do List In Early Spring
Gardening To Do List In Early Spring – The clean-up is one of the central parts of your early spring garden preparation. Collect and dispose of any dead branches and other large debris, then rake and collect any fallen leaves around your property. The next step is pulling dead weeds, making sure to pull with
Your Garden In Late Spring
Even late spring can be deceptive. It often seems as though summer has arrived, yet in cold areas there can still be severe late frosts. Take local climate into account before planting any frost-tender plants outdoors. Even with experience it can be a gamble as an untypical season might produce surprises. Judging when frosts are
Your Garden In Mid-Spring
This is when the garden really comes alive, but while day-time temperatures can dramatically shoot up, beware sudden, crippling frosts. Also, keep seedlings ticking over on windowsills or in greenhouses, shading them on days when the sun is too fierce. Weeding. One of the best reasons for doing the weeding yourself, and not hiring someone
Planning And Creating A Spring Garden
Spring is one of the busiest and most exciting seasons in the garden. After months of inactivity, with rain, snow and cold temperatures,spring growth suddenly accelerates. The major new colour is lime green as the lawn puts on new growth, and the shrubs and trees explode in thousands of buds. Daffodils emerge, then tulips that
Gardening Tips: Spring Planting
Springtime means that everybody has dirt on their knees, dirt under their nails, and are excited about gardening. To make certain that this excitement yields positive results, in this article we’ll discuss the basics of spring planting tips. Installing new plants in the garden and having them grow successfully is not difficult, nor is it