Bonsai is a Japanese art form using miniature trees grown in low-side pot. It is sometimes misspelled ‘Bonzai’, which is actually an exclamation or a cry of happiness – “Bonzai!” A bonsai is a miniature version of a tree. The practice of cultivating a bonsai tree first began with the Chinese more than a thousand
Pleached Trees for Small Gardens: Planting Tips and Best Tree Varieties
Pleaching is a method of planting trees in rows and training the side branches to meet in horizontal, parallel lines. Other growth is cut back or interwoven to form a vertical screen. Beech, lime, hornbeam, and plane trees are some of the best trees for pleaching. This technique is particularly effective in a formal setting and is often used to
Roof Garden With Potted Trees
Blasted by the sun and battered by the wind, roof gardens, or roof terraces are prime examples of exposed sites. They are not the best places to grow garden plants, but if you live in a city apartment, a roof garden can make a useful, extra room, bringing greenery closer to the urban home and
The Best Indoor Trees
Trees are great things to have in your yard. They clean the air, provide shade and privacy, are great for climbing, and are beautiful to look at. While many trees are just too big to think about growing inside, there are some trees that make wonderful accents to the inside of your home. Here are
Green Giant Arborvita
Arborvitaes are a slow growing plant variety (generally less than 12 inches per year of new growth) .The Arborvitaes are hybrids so they are propagated by cuttings as they will not come back true from seed. One of the Arborvitae, the Green Giant, the Western Redcedar Tree, or botanically, the Thuja Plicata, is the favorite.
Rain Forest Plants
Rain Forest Plants – Rain forest plants thrive in the humid climate of a rain forest. A large number of rain forest plants are used for making a wide range of medicines. Some of the most popular rain forest plants include orchids, passion flower, ferns, bougainvillea, bamboo, and banana plants. Orchids are flowering rain forest plants,
Using A Scented Trees And Shrubs For Your Landscape
Using A Scented Trees And Shrubs For Your Landscape – Trees and shrubs can have many different forms, for example many conifers are conical, pyramidal, or powerfully vertical. Some are prostrate and spreading. To some degree these are scented and everyone is familiar with the scent of pine, but it is only if you rub
Sign And Symptoms Of Common Tree Diseases
Sign And Symptoms Of Common Tree Diseases – You give them the best soil, the right food, and plenty of sunshine but sometimes even trees can get sick. Trees are susceptible to a variety of infestations and diseases. If you suspect that your tree is infected, there are several signs to look for. Here are some
Winter Trees: Chamaecyparis, Cupressocyparis And Cupressus
Winter Trees: Chamaecyparis, Cupressocyparis And Cupressus – Chamaecyparis or false cypress is a useful genus, from East Asia and North America, with a huge number of cultivars. They range from giant forest trees to smaller forms that can be used as specimen trees, for hedging and as dwarf plants for the rock or scree garden.
Bonsai Fertilizing Tips
Bonsai fertilizer is essential for a bonsai’s survival. Bonsai trees, like all other living things, need food to live. Unlike the roots of ordinary trees that grow for further distances seeking nutrition, the roots of bonsai trees are controlled to grow inside the tray and so they will be able to obtain only whatever nutrition
Citrus Trees
There is an obvious fascination in having an orange or lemon tree at home, but if you want it to bear fruit, then you will have to buy a citrus trees selected for their ability to grow indoors. The problem is that plants raised at home from pips will not fruit until they are too
Shade Trees
Shade trees are definitely among the essential plants that many homeowners prefer to have around their home for varied reasons. Some may want to plant trees of this kind to enhance the appearance of their outdoor area. Others also prefer to have tall trees around their house to complement its appearance and simply to connect