Eliminating Dandelion From Your Lawn – As the weather warms up and the grass begins to grow dandelions seem to pop up everywhere. The word dandelion is an English word that is derived from the French name ‘dent de lion’. This means lion tooth which could refer to the fact that dandelions have coarsely tooth
The Clovers
Clover is a major headache for many lawn owners. During the dry days of midsummer the bright green patches stand out against the dull and pale grass. This patchy effect is an eyesore, and control was difficult until the discovery of the newer-type selective weedkillers. The clovers you are most likely to see are white
Organic Weed Prevention
Organic Weed Prevention – Organic weed prevention is an alternative to conventional gardening. But, the question of why should you do organic is still up in the air. Garden is a beautiful thing to have. Aside from the fact that it adds splendor to your place, it too provides an area for rest and refreshment.