Useful Tips To Make Your Garden Beautiful

Even if you don’t have a large yard, small spaces like balconies can provide enough space for a surprising amount of plants to help you beautify your garden.

TIP #1 Use groundcover perennials in sunny areas. Groundcover perennials can be used as an alternative to grass where there is minimal foot traffic, or in an area where grass is difficult to maintain, such as on a slope. They are also handy in between larger perennials, as they help to suppress weeds and keep the soil moist and cool. Good choices for groundcover perennials are creeping thyme, ajuga, various sedums, alyssum and armeria.

TIP #2 Always grow what works in the right area. If cabbage does not work in one climate, but carrots do, then it is a robust carrot crop that needs to be planted and the cabbage crop should be small. Talk to the neighbors and see what is working for them to maximize the output of your own garden.

TIP #3 Grow native perennials in your yard to attract local wildlife. Native vegetation is the best food source for your native animals. You will see more birds and colorful insects using this method. This is an easy way to attract wildlife, as native plants generally require less work from you in order to thrive.

Baptisia in your garden for attracting wildlife

When choosing plants for your garden, pick plants that are native to your geographic region. Plants native to your region will naturally do well in your garden because they are already adjusted to your climate. When you plant native plants, you will not be surprised by any unexpected results when your plants mature.

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TIP #4 To kill off aphids on rose plants, spray them with a powdered milk and water mixture (1/3 cup powdered milk to one quart water). When the mixture is sprayed, the aphids get caught in the liquid and eventually die. Every few weeks spray down the roses with water to rinse off the mixture and reapply it if needed.


TIP #5 Separate irises. You can increase the number of irises you have by splitting clumps that are overgrown. You can do this by simply picking up bulbous irises once the foliage has withered. The bulbs should split naturally, and the replanted bulbs will usually flower within a year. Use a knife to carefully divide rhizomes. Throw out the center and cut pieces on the outside that are new. A strong offshoot is needed on every piece that you decide to plant. Immediately replant all your selected cuttings.

TIP #6 Plan your garden for best results. Before you put one spade into the dirt, you need to decide what you will plant, and where. You want to plot your garden’s size, and then decide what plants use according to their individual needs. Consider lighting, drainage, and spacing for each plant.

TIP #7 To rid your plants of red spider mite, use old coffee grounds. Take the grounds and mix them with water in a spray bottle. Head over to your plants and spray all the infected areas. The caffeine in the grounds will help your plants fight off the spider mite, and unlike many other caffeinated beverage, there’s nothing in coffee grounds that will harm your plants.

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TIP #8 Using natural materials in the garden will keep pests away. Plant marigolds or onions around other vegetables to keep slugs away from them. Insect pests will stay away from seedlings and trees if you use wood ash around the base as a mulch. When done naturally, there is no need for pesticides.

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