What Is Organic Companion Planting?

What Is Organic Companion Planting? Organic companion planting is the process of grouping certain types of plants together to achieve better results. Other times, it’s better if certain plants were not placed together. To simplify how this works, let’s do a little experiment. Imagine you are a plant. Living in the plant world is a lot like living in the human world. There are some people you like, some you don’t, and some relationships you have are one-sided. It is the same way with organic companion planting.

The first category in companion planting we will call the ‘bouncers’. The bouncers keep certain undesirables away from your garden. The scent of marigolds will detour certain insects from entering your garden. So it is a good idea to plant these around your garden to keep out unwanted pests. These types of plants are also good sources of food for your beneficial insects when prey population is low within the garden.


Next, we have the ‘trouble makers’ of organic companion planting. Just like sometimes its bad to get certain people in the same room, the same applies to plants. For example, pairing tomatoes and cabbage can attract the same pest. Pumpkins and sunflowers do not get along with potatoes. Onions don’t like peas and beans.


Last, but not least, we have our ‘good buddies’. You know the type of people you like having around because they just make you feel good. It’s the same way in the garden community. Peas and tomatoes are a good example of this. Planting climbing peas around tomato cages provide shade to the tomato plants. Chamomile improves the flavor of cabbage and onions.

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There are many benefits to organic companion planting, which have been known about by gardeners for many years. More recently, scientists have studied these methods and have proclaimed them scientific. Leave it to a scientist to figure out what has been working for years! One such benefit to organic companion planting is the reduction in the amount of pesticide needed. It also produces healthier plants, which in turn helps prevent the spread of insects.



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