White Flowers In Your Garden

If you’d like to create a white garden, though, there are many beautiful white flowers you could consider. If you want to bloom all season, take into account when things bloom and plan accordingly. Don’t limit your choices to traditional annual, perennial or biennial flowers alone. Try to surround yourself with white flowered plants of all kinds to extend the white garden so it can envelope you in its magic. Look for white flowers on bulbs, trees, shrubs, vines, and roses that bloom from early spring through late fall, and select those with silver and gray or blue foliage when you can as these will increase the shimmering quality of the garden.
Sprinkling your flower garden with white flowers will let your garden stand out when it becomes dusk outside.

This is a nice effect for either a hot or cool arrangement. Moonlight or streetlights will reflect off white flowers, giving your garden a sureal look and feel.

white flowers

As you look at these white flowered plants, you will see that some white flowers are more cleanly white than others. Many have a tint of something else, a hint of pink or green or cream or buff or blue or sometimes a dingy gray. Some may have buds that are pink or cream or green and then open with white flowers.



In the spring, you might want crocus, white tulips, columbine, narcissus, wind flowers, star flowers, Easter Lilies, iris, and hyacinths. These all come in shades of white. A white spirea bush (bridal wreath, white lilacs or a hydranga bush would make an additional layer and backed up with dark green evergreens, it would be gorgeous.

SEE ALSO:   Chlorophytum



As we move into summer you could have a white rose bush, white clematis, hydrangeas, Shasta daisies, and variants of Veronica, hollyhock, garden phlox, liatris (gayfeather), and coneflower. Later in the summer, you might have feverfew, baby’s breath, white chrysanthemums, alarge yuccaa and finally michaelmas daisies and asters.


Baby’s breath

Plants with variegated green and white leaves or plants that have grayish or bluish tints to them (many hostas) would form wonderful backdrops in a white garden. Adding grasses with silver leaves could also be quite attractive.

white-garden4 white-tulips

Be creative when adding them to your garden. Should they be in containers, squeezed between your perennials, climbing up a fence or dripping down the side of a bench? The possibilities are endless and that’s another benefit of having a white flowers garden.


Shasta daisey


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