Your Garden In Mid-Spring

This is when the garden really comes alive, but while day-time temperatures can dramatically shoot up, beware sudden, crippling frosts. Also, keep seedlings ticking over on windowsills or in greenhouses, shading them on days when the sun is too fierce.

Weeding. One of the best reasons for doing the weeding yourself, and not hiring someone else, is that you will quickly start to know the difference between weeds and seedlings of plants that you want to keep. If the latter are growing in the wrong place, pot them up and grow them on for planting in the border later.


Lawn care. This is a good time of year to level out any hollows in the lawn. The simplest way to tackle any small dips where people might trip over, is by half-filling the hollow with a good loam-based compost (soil mix). The grass will gradually grow up through it, and in from the side. Next month, fill the hollow to the top, and by mid-summer the lawn should be firm and flat.

weeding lawn

Dahlias. Last year’s dahlia tubers should now be sprouting new shoots. As they grow, make sure that they receive sufficient water and light. If it is too dark, the shoots will be weak and spindly. While dahlias are chiefly grown for their autumn colour, the established plants brought on early will add terrific colours from mid-summer. New cuttings flower later.



Deadheading daffodils. The best way to guarantee a good show of daffodils for newt year is to deadhead them, once they have finished flowering. Do not remove the foliage (that continues helping store energy) until nearly dead.

SEE ALSO:   Fall Flowers Arrangements For Good Mood

hanging baskets



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